Publication date: September 2020.
Written by Simon Ferrigno and edited by John Mowbray, the Inside Guide to Cotton and Sustainability 2020 is a 160 page printed publication that's an indispensible tool for retailers and brands who source cotton textiles and clothing. It is already THE reference tool for many leading global organisations.
This authoritative guidebook is an update of our original much sought-after guidebook, which was first published back in 2012, and which sold out within six months (sample pages from blue button to the right).
The new guidebook will go one step further in terms of an objective analysis of the rise in claims on sustainability with a factual, independent and an inside look at how the industry is actually performing.
Content includes:
– Introduction: unravelling the threads: ‘what’s new’?
– Growing cotton: places, people and economies
– Bad Reputation? Cotton and modernisation
– New technologies, big data, gene editing
– Cotton Crises? How did cotton get its bad reputation?
– Latest figures on global production
– Measuring and defining 'sustainable cotton'
– Cotton standards, labelling and certification: progress reports
– The new regulatory and monitoring environments
– Due diligence and the role of the OECD and EU in regulation and guidelines
– Cotton and the circular economy
– Updates on pesticides use and conventional cotton
– Industry mergers: new production and growing technologies
– Traceability and the new game changers such as blockchain and DNA markers
– Benchmarking to SDGs and natural capital accounting, LCAs, science-based targets
– What might sustainable cotton look like in future?
– Perspectives from industry: farmers, consumers, landscape users
– Conclusions: the state of sustainable cotton
– Coming challenges: Climate change, soils, water
– The way ahead for cotton
– Recommendations for the industry
Fantastic bulk discounts are available for retail and brand corporations, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for more info.